Boar Technology Co.Ltd|

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科技帶領人類走向幸福之路 — 寶拉集團

寶拉集團創建於2007年,在中國”一帶一路“政策的倡議下,董事長張海鵬先生看好東南亞各國的發展潛力,將總部遷於柬埔寨金邊,致力於東南亞多行業的發展。寶拉集團積極推動國際化、多元化發展戰略。領域涉投資、貿易、互聯網、地產、餐飲、傳媒、旅遊酒店、金融等行業、目前主要以視頻流量型產品位主要發展項目,為當地經濟發展做出了重要貢獻。寶拉的足跡遍布中國,柬埔寨,泰國,台灣,新加坡,日本。我們將向著更遠的地方前行。寶拉將深入貫徹落實整體發展戰略,保持公司的良好發展勢頭,在風險可控的前提下,抓住市場機遇,實現長遠健康發展,為集團做出更大的貢獻。 a

Boar Investment Group was founded in 2007. Consider of China's policy “The Belt and Road Initiative”, Mr. Zhang Haipeng, the chairman of group, is optimistic about the development potential of Southeast Asian countries. He moved the headquarters to Phnom Penh, Cambodia, and is committed to the development of many industries in Asia. Boar Group promotes the internationalization and diversified development strategy actively. The investment fields involved : trade, internet, games, real estate, catering, media, tourism hotels, finance and other industries have made important contributions to the local economic development. Paula's footprints are spread across China, Cambodia, Thailand, Taiwan, Singapore, and Japan. We will move further afield. Boar will thoroughly implement the overall development strategy, maintain the company's good development momentum, seize market opportunities and achieve long-term healthy development under the premise of risk control, and make greater contributions to the Group.

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