Migo 熱鬧點科技有限公司|Meet.jobs

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Migo is a vision that bringing entertainment and education to everyone.

Migo is

Migo 熱鬧點科技是一間外資新創企業,全球研發暨營運總部位於台北,以獨特的商業模式創造了一個專為新興市場的消費者客製化的服務及內容平台,並計畫從東南亞地區出發,逐漸拓展到全球的新興市場。Migo所設計開發的產品,將提供新興國家數百萬名使用者,娛樂以及教育資訊的全新體驗,解決當地網路資源缺乏以及平均所得低,以至於大部分使用者無法體驗高品質影音串流服務的問題。

MigoNet,是我們首先推出的創新方案,將解決世界上因電信服務如3G/4G/5G光纖傳輸不普及而導致內容傳輸費用高昂的問題。MigoNet提供便利通路且可負擔的價格,顧客能輕鬆地將喜愛的電影影集下載至自己的手機並不受網路的限制。我們目前已在菲律賓營運,並正值擴張之際,將服務擴展至百萬用戶。因此,我們正在尋找才華與熱情兼具的imagineer加入我們這趟冒險旅程 。

Migo (www.migo.tv ) is a consumer focused innovation company addressing the digital divide in emerging markets. At Migo, we design, build and deliver experiences to millions of consumers in emerging markets with low income and poor accessibility to alternative entertainment and education options. Our first innovative solution, MigoNet, addresses the content delivery challenge in part of world where telecom infrastructure i.e. 3G/4G/5G and fiber to home, is not widely available and affordable. MigoNet enables our customer affordable access to series and movies from their mobile phones without internet connection. We are currently operating in the Philippines and in the process of scaling this service to millions of consumers. We are searching for talented and passionate individuals to join us on this journey. 

Imagineers at Migo

在Migo,我們希望透過創新的力量,將娛樂和教育資訊傳遞給每一個人。為了達成這個使命,我們渴望不斷學習成長,成就更好的自己和團隊,以提供和我們所服務的對象更好的服務。Migo所有成員共用 Imagineer這個職稱,為了打破傳統組織架構及職務分配模式,每位Imagineer都需要縱觀全局,清楚了解他們在公司不同階段所扮演的角色,體認大家是一個團隊,共同朝著一致的目標前進。 Imagineer的每一項工作內容與日常決定都能直接影響公司長期的發展。


As Imagineers, we are deeply committed to and bound together by our mission: bringing entertainment and education to everyone through innovation. In this endeavor, we pursue the constant improvement of ourselves, our teammates, our organization, and the lives of the people we serve.

We are seeking new Imagineers to join us. Imagineers who yearn for the opportunity to work with a purpose, devoting their days to creating & delivering solutions to the world's most pressing problems. We value potential over experience, character over résumé, and curiosity over knowledge. 

CEO of Migo

公司的創辦人兼執行長,Barrett Comiskey 畢業於美國麻省理工學院(MIT),擁有史丹福(Stanford)商學院的企管碩士(MBA)。今年Comiskey因發明電子墨水(E-Ink) :驅動亞馬遜的Kindle和市面上其他品牌電子書的核心科技入選美國專利商標局國家發明家名人堂。過去的得主包括2012年入選的賈伯斯以及2015年入選的諾貝爾獎得主中村修二。 Comiskey是至今還在世的百位發明家中最年輕的一位。


Migo is led by Barrett Comiskey, inducted into the U.S. National Inventors Hall of Fame as one of the fathers of E Ink (the technology behind the Amazon Kindle), which he developed as an undergraduate at MIT. He holds an M.B.A. from Stanford University. Barrett is a proven entrepreneur with a track record of success. He has been living in Asia for the last 15 years, and Migo is the culmination of decades of thought and experience.

Since 2009, Barrett has dedicated his efforts to bridging the digital divide for people in developing countries. With Migo, he has imagined, designed, and is building a center for the development of men and women of character, substance, and purpose.


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