Nat Chung|

Employer info

不要浪費錢買產出Output, 你需要的是結果Outcome。


為什麼我們可以做到這樣的成績? 因為我們採用敏捷精神,致力為客戶在有限的資源中創造更多價值,並以此得到客戶的高度評價!

現在我們正在擴建團隊,尋找年輕、適應力強又有創造力的冒險家一起加入我們,和我們一起Value up!

Arion Techs is a young software company, established on 2020. We have completed a number of large software projects in Taiwan and developed a long-term business partnership with a large foreign cooperation. We are adopting agile and gained high recognition from our customers. We are looking for young, adaptive and creative adventurers to join us. If you are highly interested in Scrum, please contact us now!

Job openings