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the ticket marketplace


viagogo 是目前全球最大、最有規模的線上二手讓票平台,也就是說,當你臨時有事情無法到場收看,或是有多餘的票券,就可以到 viagogo 註冊,進行透明公開的票務行為。

viagogo 在近 60個國家開展業務,票務涵蓋的範圍包含演唱會、見面會、運動賽事、戲劇音樂節等門票售票系統。我們提供選擇、便利及顧客保障。可以在世界各地以便捷的方式購買或出售各類活動門票。即使當官方票務中心門票售罄時,viagogo 在線票務平台上仍然能提供上千種體育賽事或娛樂活動的門票。

該公司已與許多足球橄欖球、網球、摔跤隊伍達成合作夥伴關係。根據英國法律,政府為防止足球流氓行為,規定未經授權轉售英超等足球門票的行為是非法的。但是 viagogo 通過與英超俱樂部合作,獲得了官方授權轉售有合作關係的俱樂部門票。

viagogo 的投資人包括風險投資公司 Index Ventures、 的創始人和前CEO Brent Hoberman、德國媒體公司 Tele-MüchenGruppe 的主席 Herbert Kloiber,以及羅斯柴爾德家族的 Lord Jacob Rothschild。




Founded by Eric H. Baker, co-founder of Stubhub, viagogo is a new kind of live event ticketing and marketing company that gives people looking for music, sports and theatre tickets access to the best in live entertainment through a state-of-the-art online ticketing platform. viagogo’s ticketing platform allows people to buy and sell live event tickets all over the world.

Through its partnerships with many of the world’s leading sports and music properties, including European soccer clubs Chelsea FC, Manchester City FC, and global tennis tournament the Barclays ATP World Tour Finals, viagogo gives fans access to hard to get tickets that are often sold-out at the box office and unavailable through other ticketing channels.

viagogo is backed by many high profile investors in the sports, media and entertainment industries, including Andre Agassi and Stephanie Graf.

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