1. 與單位主管及服務對象溝通,提供G-suite技術支援 (如Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Calendar, Google Sheets等)
Provide technical support for G Suite tools such as Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Calendar, Google Sheets, etc and communicate with supervisors and end-users.
2. 維護Google工具 / G Suite擴充功能 / 第三方軟體工具間的自動化工作流程,加以整合或改善
Maintain, expand and improve the automation of workflows and integrations between the Google tools, G Suite add-ons, and third-party software.
3. 參加相關培訓及研討會,並針對各項問題與Google聯繫尋求進階解決方案
Join trainings and seminars and work with Google globally for advanced support and to continue improving how we use G Suite.
4. 提供主管及各單位更有效率及有效的使用建議,依工作需求建立公式或腳
Your advice, solutions, formulas, and scripts will help senior managers and various departments to work more efficiently and effectively.
語文條件:英文 -- 聽 /中等、說 /中等、讀 /中等、寫 /中等
1. 熟悉各項 G Suite 應用程式 (如 G Drive)
2. 熟悉 Google Apps Script 的撰寫
3. 具有使用 G Suite (restful) APIs 經驗(加分條件)
4. 具有其他程式語言 (如 原生JavaScript 或 Python) 的撰寫經驗(加分條件)
5. 具備 G Suite 認證者佳