Developer advocate and developer relations (North America) - SuperTokens|


100k - 180k USD Annually

Required skills

    Job description

    Primary Responsibilities

    We see the role of developer advocates / relations as consisting of four primary areas: content, community, product and partnerships. While these are all individually extensive, your role will consist of a subset of these tasks - depending on your specific strengths and interests. More about each:

    Content: Creating content (blog posts, videos, podcasts, conference talks) related SuperTokens (i.e. user authentication, web application developement) or content that will be appreciated by developers in general.

    Community: Growing, nurturing and supporting our growing base of users, contributors and others (we have a discord server and people reach out to us in several other forms, creating tutorials etc)

    Product: Building and improving the developer experience, understanding user requirements and translating those into the product by working alongside the engineering and design teams

    Partnerships: Working with other product companies to leverage each other's reach and create additional value for developers.


    • CS background
    • Authentic and honest
    • Interesting in working on the 'marketing' side of the business

    Why should you join us?

    • We are flexible with working hours and time commitment. You can commit anything from 5 hours to 40 hours a week
    • Our market is large - any webapp that requires login
    • Working on open source, and getting paid for it!
    • We are backed by Y Combinator and have access to some of the best and smartest founders in the world.
    • Work remotely.
    • Our product is interesting in that it's not another mobile or web app. It will form a core infrastructure layer for our users
    • We are solving a big pain point for most developers
    • Get to learn about the most critical aspects of web app security
