推薦專家 Referral Expert (External Headhunter) - Meet.Jobs|Meet.jobs


0 - 3k USD Monthly

Required skills
  • Referral
  • ,
  • community
  • ,
  • sharing
  • ,
  • contractor

Job description

工作內容 Job Content

  1. 此一職位相當於 Meet.jobs 委任之外部獵才顧問(External Headhunter)。
  2. 針對 Meet.jobs 合作的企業客戶所招募的職位推薦人選。
  3. 推薦人選成功的分潤為該筆營收的 50%。以 Meet.jobs 網站上的職位統計,平均在 3,000 美元以上。
  4. 企業客戶來自台灣、美國、日本、新加坡、香港、中國大陸、德國、荷蘭等國家。
  5. 推薦職位的工作地點主要包括遠端工作、台灣、新加坡、日本等地區。
  6. Meet.jobs 將提供內部系統權限與相關的教育訓練。
  7. 推薦企業與 Meet.jobs 合作將獲得第一筆成交案件收入的 50% 作為介紹費。

  1. This position is an External Headhunter co-working by Meet.jobs.
  2. You will recommend candidates for job positions recruited by Meet.jobs' corporate clients.
  3. The successful candidate recommendation will receive a commission of 50% of the revenue generated from the referred position. Based on the statistics on Meet.jobs' website, the average revenue is around $3,000 USD per successful candidate recommendation.
  4. Meet.jobs’ corporate clients are from various countries, including Taiwan, the United States, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Mainland China, Germany, the Netherlands, and others.
  5. The job locations for recommended positions on Meet.jobs’ website primarily include remote work, Taiwan, Singapore, and Japan, among others.
  6. Meet.jobs will provide internal system access and relevant training.
  7. If you refer companies to Meet.jobs for collaboration, you will receive 50% of the first successful transaction as an introduction fee.

*此一職位無固定底薪,錄取也沒有 100 美元就職祝賀金。

*This position does not offer a fixed base salary, and there is no $100 USD Onboard Reward.

應徵條件 Requirements

必要條件 Must have

  • 不限工作經驗,不限背景。
  • 不自我設限,熱愛學習不同領域、產業的相關知識。
  • 認同 Meet.jobs 的 理念與價值
  • No experience required, no background restrictions.
  • Open-minded and eager to learn about various fields and industries.
  • Share the same values and beliefs as Meet.jobs.

加分條件 Better to have

  • 曾經透過 Meet.jobs 網站推薦工作給朋友,並成功推薦就職的經驗。
  • 曾經透過 Meet.jobs 錄取國內外的工作機會。
  • 有人力資源/客戶管理/業務開發/行銷/ IT相關或其他你覺得說出來很厲害的經歷或經驗。
  • 英文流利達到工作水準(以上)。
  • 中英文以外的其他語言,具備工作水準(以上)。
  • 歡迎留台僑生應徵!
  • Experienced in successfully recommending job opportunities to friends through Meet.jobs website.
  • Have been recruited through Meet.jobs.
  • Possess impressive experiences in human resources, client management, business development, marketing, IT-related fields, or any other outstanding achievements.
  • Fluent in English at a professional level or above.
  • Proficient in languages other than Chinese and English at a professional level or above.
  • Overseas students are welcome to apply!

如何應徵 How to apply

  • 請分享一個你過往最成功的銷售/募資/推薦相關經驗。
  • 應徵時請檢附中/英文履歷,並且務必撰寫求職信! 
  • Please share your most successful sales/fundraising/referral-related experience in the past.
  • When applying, please attach your resume in Chinese or English and be sure to write a cover letter!


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