代徵- Web3 Developer - Steaker |Meet.jobs


4k - 8k USD Monthly

Required skills

    Job description

    C.R.E.A.M Finance 是一個去中心化金融平台(DeFi),跨鏈的新型態 P2P 加密貨幣借貸平台。Cream 團隊旨在發展加密貨幣的開放式金融。無論是放貸、抵押或借款,所有金融規則皆撰寫在以太坊主網的智慧型合約上,開放透明且無法竄改。因此,產品上線十個月至今,吸引了來自全球各地價值近 17 億美金的數位資產在平台上運行。在 Cream 與 DeFi 產業最大的 Yearn 生態系合併後,透過 Andre Cronje 的帶領與 Yearn 合作推出更多產品、更多突破性的金融規則、支援更多區塊鏈以快速擴張市場。


    對 Cryptocurrecy 的產業抱有一絲好奇心嗎?想要在台灣加入最新最熱門的 DeFi 產業嗎?想要見識一下創辦人麻吉大哥帶來的人脈和資源有多國際化嗎?想要體會在不可竄改的地方留下 Taiwan No.1 是什麼心情嗎?我們需要自我要求高、反應快、學習力極強的你加入,一起成長,讓台灣 DeFi 項目在世界上一起發光發熱!Crypto Rules Everything Around Me!

    C.R.E.A.M. Finance is a decentralized lending protocol for individuals, institutions and protocols to access financial services. Part of the yearn finance ecosystem, it is a permissionless, open source and blockchain agnostic protocol serving users on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain and Fantom.

    Users who are passively holding Ethereum or Bitcoin can deposit their assets on C.R.E.A.M. to earn yield, similar to a traditional savings account.

    Cream team welcomes anyone with crypto enthusiasm to join the team. We are evolving into a remote team which has distributed, async and text-based communication working style. In order to face the rapid change of crypto industry, we need more talent people to join us, and together we grow faster and stronger.


    Salary range: $4000 - $8000 per month + CREAM token

    Location: Xinyi Dist., Taipei

    Remote: +/- 3 hours of difference from UTC +8


    • Build smart contracts in Solidity on EVM compatible blockchains
    • Build tools and/or scripts that interact with smart contracts for internal operations
    • Collaborate with the team on project planning and development


    • 2+ years of experience in software engineering
    • Ability to write clean code in Javascript/Typescript
    • Basic knowledge in blockchain
    • Ability to read/write smart contracts in Solidity
    • Fluent in Chinese or English

    Good to have

    • Understand common Solidity patterns and standard interfaces
      • Proxy pattern, Factory pattern, ERC20, etc.
    • Experience in smart contracts interaction using Ethers.js
      • BigNumber conversion, callStatic
    • Familiar with Hardhat or related frameworks
      • Experiences in using mainnet forking
    • Ability to inspect and decode a transaction with debug tools
    • Understand gas optimization
    • Understand how AMM, Lending and vault work in DeFi


    Make Crypto Investment Easy

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