SmartBee Intelligence Ltd.|


Professional Supply Chain Logistics IT Service Provider

關於我們 About SmartBee Intelligence

SmartBee 由全球物流行業經驗豐富夥伴組成,利用新的資訊技術,打造可提升物流行業效率、協助客戶提升營收的智慧物流平台。

要追上已經在物流行業耕耘已久的競爭者是一件很不容易的事情,但是 SmartBee 的優勢在於公司內部與外部擁有在物流行業二十年經驗的同伴,可以降低學習成本,避免不必要的試誤。


SmartBee provides professional logistics software solutions with modern technologies. Most members have remarkable reputation on business and technologies in logistics industry. The objective of SmartBee is to subvert the logistics industry. Join us to change the world together!

核心產品 Products

《全方位智慧物流平台》Smarter Logistics Solutions

  • 公有雲平台 Public Cloud
  • 私有雲平台 Private Cloud

福利制度 Benefits

  1. 彈性上下班時間 flexible working hours
  2. 組織扁平化 flat organization
  3. 不定期聚餐 special occasions
  4. 與業內專家交流物流業與跨國貿易知識 learn logistic knowledge and expertise from industry experts
