

Redefine banking together 共同改寫金融定義

* XREX is a fast-growing organization, on a mission to make our world a better place
* You'll be working with top talents from around the world
* You'll gain experience in building an international brand, product, and user community
* You'll receive generous stock options
* You'll gain experience in a blockchain- and crypto-related products, technologies, and markets
* You'll be working in a cutting-edge tech startup using the very latest tech, tools, methodologies, and processes

Contact HR: hr@xrex.io

About XREX:
XREX is a blockchain-enabled financial institution working with banks, regulators, and users to redefine banking together. We provide enterprise-grade banking services to small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) in or dealing with emerging markets, and novice-friendly financial services to individuals worldwide.

Founded in 2018 and operating globally under multiple licenses, XREX offers a full suite of services such as digital asset custody, wallet, cross-border payment, fiat-crypto conversion, cryptocurrency exchange, asset management, and fiat currency on-off ramps.
Sharing the social responsibility of financial inclusion, XREX leverages blockchain technologies to further financial participation, access, and education.

XREX 是一家應區塊鏈技術而生的國際金融機構,與銀行、政府及用戶密切合作,共同改寫金融定義。我們提供企業級的服務,幫助位處發展中國家或與發展中國家有生意往來的中小型企業處理跨境金融服務,同時也為全球加密貨幣新手提供最友善的初始入口。

創立於 2018 年並已取得多國執照在全球營運,XREX 提供一站式的服務,包括:數位資產託管、錢包、跨境支付、法幣與加密貨幣轉換、加密貨幣交易所、多元化資產投資、法幣出入金服務等等。

XREX 將普惠金融視為社會責任並希望為此盡一份心力,持續運用區塊鏈技術推進金融參與權、金融使用權與金融教育權。

Follow XREX on Discord, Telegram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

XREX is backed by public companies, banks, prominent VCs, and the Taiwanese Government:
* Taiwan Government National Development Fund
* CDIB Capital Group (TWSE: 2883)
* E.Sun Financial Holding (TWSE:2884)
* ThreeD Capital (CSE:IDK)
* Systex (TWSE:6214)
* Rocket Internet (NYSE:RKTA)
* Global Founders Capital (Berlin)
* Seraph Group (US)
* Metaplanet Holdings (Estonia)
* AppWorks (Taipei)
* WI Harper (San Francisco)
* BlackMarble (Taipei)
* New Economy Ventures (Taipei, Tokyo)

- XREX資安長開源兩套Web3資安工具,強化智能合約安全開發
- 區塊鏈為何重要?NFT、加密貨幣是什麼?3特性讓資深風控專家也瘋狂
- 攻下歐盟FinTech重鎮!XREX取得立陶宛加密貨幣交易所牌照
- Blockchain startup XREX gets $17M to make cross-border trade faster
- 在台灣的矽谷公司!區塊鏈新創XREX:經營軟體業就像打NBA

Our culture

About XREX
