Aeolus Robotics|



Aeolus Robotics Inc. is a start-up robotics company. Founded to bring the first generation of multi-purpose robot assistants into service across the globe, Aeolus Robotics is a global company with offices in Taiwan, Poland, Austria and the USA. Integrating world-class, world-wide AI and Robot Systems genius with Taiwanese manufacturing aptitude, we are breaking new ground in general-purpose commercial-consumer robotics with capabilities in unstructured “human” spaces. 

With over 100 engineers on staff and a leadership team that includes decades of experience at leading tech companies and institutions ranging from Microsoft to DARPA – including work conceiving and managing the historic Watson AI project – we have the expertise, personnel and and breakthrough technological approaches to ensure success in this fast-growing field.


1. 年終獎金與員工認股權計畫 

2. 勞健保、勞退、員工團保 

3. 晚上加班供餐 

4. 年終同樂晚會 

5. 彈性工作時間 

6. Robot Friday(機器人學習日)提供免費午餐
