

Verdigris 使用人工智慧技術為建築物節能,專注於透過 AI 和數據技術,幫助全球頂尖企業更聰明地管理能源、降低浪費並實現永續目標。我們的團隊充滿創新精神,喜歡解決真正的問題,與世界一流的客戶合作,打造更高效的未來。在這裡你不只是寫程式或賣產品,而是參與一場改變世界的能源革命。加入我們,和一群有熱情、有實力的夥伴,一起創造實質的影響!

在 Verdigris,我們透過AI 驅動的技術即時數據洞察,協助企業重新定義能源管理。我們的平台可以精確監控每個電路的電力使用情況,協助企業找出隱藏的能源浪費、優化運營效率,並實現永續發展目標,同時有效降低成本和避免不必要的投資。

我們的客戶來自全球頂尖企業,包括:全球數據中心、世界 500 強企業、大型電信公司,以及各行各業的領先品牌。他們都是致力於提高效率、確保系統可靠性,並追求永續發展的合作夥伴。與我們合作的對象包括設施管理者、工程師、永續發展專家和運營團隊,他們不斷尋求更聰明的解決方案來提升效能和減少碳排放。

我們的 CEO 兼共同創辦人 Mark Chung 表示:

「電力與我們的生活息息相關,但長期以來,電力管理一直是個盲點。Verdigris 透過技術,將能源數據轉化為行動洞察,推動更智慧、更綠色的系統未來。」


在 Verdigris,我們的文化核心是創新、協作和使命感。我們致力於解決實際問題,創造真正有意義的影響。與全球一流企業合作,我們共同面對能源挑戰,推動永續發展。如果你希望加入一家正在改變世界、技術領先、並擁有全球頂尖客戶的公司,那麼 Verdigris 就是你理想的工作場所。

At Verdigris, we empower businesses to transform energy management through AI-driven technology and real-time data insights. Our platform monitors and analyzes energy usage down to the circuit level, helping companies eliminate waste, optimize operations, and achieve sustainability goals—all while saving costs and avoiding unnecessary investments.

Our customers include some of the world’s most innovative and trusted organizations: global data centers, Fortune 500 companies, major telecommunications providers, and industry-leading enterprises committed to efficiency, reliability, and sustainability. We partner with facility managers, engineers, sustainability leaders, and operations teams who are driven to improve performance, reduce carbon footprints, and embrace smarter systems.

As Mark Chung, CEO and co-founder, puts it:

“Electricity touches every part of our world, but managing it has always been a blind spot. Verdigris delivers clarity by turning energy data into actionable intelligence that drives smarter, greener systems for the future.”

Our platform doesn’t stop at energy monitoring. We create trust in data through high-frequency sampling, cloud-based analytics, and dynamic digital twins of electrical systems. These tools help our customers make informed, data-driven decisions that deliver real results—whether it’s deferring millions in capital expenses, uncovering hidden inefficiencies, or enhancing uptime and reliability.

At Verdigris, our culture is built on innovation, collaboration, and purpose. We thrive on solving complex problems with real impact. We partner with world-class organizations to tackle critical challenges, reduce energy waste, and build a more sustainable future. If you’re excited about working with cutting-edge technology that’s making a difference for global leaders, Verdigris is where you belong.


嵌入式工程師 Embedded System Engineer


1.66m - 2.52m TWD Annually

  • BSP
  • ,
  • embedded linux
  • ,
  • c/c++
  • ,
  • python
  • ,
  • shell script
  • ,
  • TCP/IP
  • ,
  • Linux kernel
  • ,
  • Internet of Things