Tresl 美國矽谷新創,在台建立 R&D 團隊,打造智能電商數據平台,提供品牌一鍵分眾的服務,讓行銷團隊輕鬆精準行銷,提升獲客成效,回購率及轉換率。
Tresl is a technology company founded in the San Francisco bay area by two Linkedin data scientists. We are building an ecommerce intelligence platform that provides turn-by-turn directions for marketing optimization.
Modern brands on Shopify have taken an unconventional approach to building billion-dollar businesses, but they lack the support required to unlock customer value buried within their data.
Enter Segments Analytics to transform their customer data into actionable marketing recommendations and segmentation that can be used across all marketing channels. Digital customer journeys are multi-dimension and complex. Stop wasting time and money replicating "best-practice" journeys with defaults that don't work. Try Segments Analytics and access prebuilt segmentations and marketing playbooks built by your personal data scientist.
Segments Analytics 是一個智能電商數據平台,提供品牌一鍵分眾的服務,讓行銷團隊輕鬆做到精準行銷,提升獲客成效,回購率以及轉換率。
使用 Segments Analytics 的品牌只需要使用 1% 的成本就能得到一整個數據團隊的算能與分析,在極度競爭的網路商場裡得到必須的數據變現與紅利。
Tresl’s Segments Analytics gives small online stores the same data analytics as large sellers
[數位時代年代最佳30新創 Meet Taipei NeoStar 30 2021]
[商業週刊 Business Weekly]
[PR Newswire]
Tresl's data intelligence platform makes data-driven marketing easy