

亞洲領導的共享寵物保姆平台—毛小愛 Asia’s leading sharing pet are platform - Fluv

隨著亞洲地區的共享產業崛起,毛小愛 Fluv 是一個由美國與台灣的連續創業家組成的寵物科技新創團隊,也在一年內就達到近30k用戶的目標並成為了當地最大的共享寵物保姆平台,並完成天使輪投資,我們的目標是透過共享、AI、數據改善亞洲毛小孩與浪浪的生活,美國最大的寵物照顧平台Rover也在近期要在IPO,Base在台灣的我們不能輸,加入我們,一起用讓每一個毛小愛被愛。

The sharing economy industry is booming drastically in Asia. Fluv is a sharing economy pet care startup created by a group of animal-loving serial entrepreneurs from the U.S. and Taiwan. The platform has grown from 0 to nearly 30k users and closed our angel round within a year. It is our goal to use sharing economy, AI, and data to help improve pets’ lives in Asia. The biggest pet care platform in the U.S. is about to file for an IPO. We have to work harder to show the world what Taiwan is about! Join us, because every pet deserves to be Fluved.


目前有6位核心頂尖的團隊成員,第一間公司在LA成功出場經驗、Cornell University Women’s Entrepreneurship、aIOT、連續創業、協助研發過遠傳的Facial Recognition Project等等人才,天使投資人是由IBM Taiwan退休CFO、活水董事、寵物食品代理廠商總經理等組成。
We currently have 6 badass talents on the team made out of serial entrepreneurs who has sold her first startup in LA and completed Cornell University’s Women’s Entrepreneurship program as well as aIOT, blockchain and AI experts backed by investors from IBM Taiwan, B Current board member, and Taiwan’s leading pet food company CEO.


  • 創新:不用怕提出新想法
  • 扁平的階級:我們都是生命管什麼階級把事情做好最重要
  • 責任感:沒人管自己要達標,但需要時可以找團隊支持
  • 所有評論都是善意的:團隊永遠為對方著想的文化
  • 禁止馬後炮:有話直說、不浪費時間、不玻璃心
  • Innovative - open to new ideas
  • Flattened hierarchy - we are all humans
  • Responsible - get things done
  • Every comment comes from a good place - we have empathy for one another
  • No “I knew it” - if you know something, say it!

我們是一個充滿愛的團隊,沒有會拍桌的上司,只有一群一起衝刺的夥伴,我們鼓勵所有人表達自己的想法,無論多麼天馬行空,只要不違反理念的事我們都會盡情嘗試,同時也十分重視大家身心的健康,內部時常舉辦活動,然後很重要的一點!我們寵物友善!公司內時常可以看到毛小孩的身影,超療癒 ❤


  • 三節獎金
  • 遠端工作可談
  • 提供零食、咖啡,讓你的腦袋隨時補充養分
  • 可以帶寵物上班,充滿毛小孩的紓壓工作環境❤
  • 在唐鳳頭頂上工作、可以捕捉到野生的唐鳳
  • Yearly bonus
  • Can work remotely sometimes
  • Unlimited snacks and coffee
  • Pet friendly
  • Happy hour every Friday
  • Bringing more love to this world






