UBASE 是韓國領先的科技企業流程外包(BPO)公司,為所有產業提供服務,涵蓋範圍包括供應鏈業、金融業、製造業、電信業、公營事業...及其他30多家全球品牌的主要合作夥伴。
UBASE is Korea’s leading BPO provider providing services to all major industries including distribution, finance, manufacturing, telecommunications and public services. As a Primary C/S Partner for more than 30 global brands, we provide differentiated services. Since 1998, UBASE runs global centers in Korea, Japan and Malaysia and has grown to an international organization of more than 10,000 people worldwide, yet is continuously expanding its presence to USA, China, and Vietnam. In the late of 2020, UBASE finally came to Taiwan. We are looking forward to having you and opening a brand new chapter awaits.
UBASE 是韓國領先的科技企業流程外包(BPO)公司,為所有產業提供服務,涵蓋範圍包括供應鏈業、金融業、製造業、電信業、公營事業...及其他30多家全球品牌的主要合作夥伴。UBASE 從1998年發展至今,分別在韓國、日本、馬來西亞先後設置全球中心,全球擁有10,000多位夥伴,並且持續擴展至美國、中國及越南。在2020年末,UBASE 來到台灣,我們即將在此展開新的旅程,期待有你的加入,與我們一起成長!
UBASE strives to create Good News for our customers and society by hiring
Good People who make a Good Company where provides the Good Service based on our customer centric philosophy.
U-nderstand clients business
B-uild trust relationships
A-ct proactively
S-olve new problems with new ideas
E-nable clients to be more competitve
主要商品 / 服務項目
UBASE believes that the survival of the company depends on the customer’s choice. To maximize the happiness and satisfaction of our customers, we design services in an innovative way, and provide the best customer experience and back office operations by using CRM expertise. Through focusing on major businesses, economies of scale, and the introduction of the latest IT technology, UBASE helps power, and support our clients’ business.
UBASE 相信公司的生存來自於客戶的選擇。 為了提高客戶的滿意度,我們運用CRM的專業知識,以創新的方式設計服務,提供消費者體驗代理管理及後台營運服務。通過我們專注於主要業務、規模經濟的應用、最新IT技術導入,我們將有效的協助客戶!