

Create Global mobile game greatness

Company Profile

Rainbow Tech is a global mobile game company primarily targeted at the European and American markets. Since our founding in September 2014, our self-developed products have been well received in more than 100 countries, providing a first-class competitive platform for tens of millions of game players worldwide.
Rainbow Tech is currently headquartered in London, UK, and our development team is homed here in Daan District, Taipei City, Taiwan.
Consisting of a group of game advocates who love life, programming and design, currently, we have more than 200 team members in total and nearly 50 members in Taiwan, creating a diverse and broad spectrum of knowledge and ideas.
Advocating professionalism and freedom, Rainbow Tech is dedicated to providing our team members with a fun, relaxing and lively atmosphere. Our company benefits include flexible working hours starting from 10:00, four salary-increment opportunities per year, ‘Hackathon’ held regularly and other bonuses, tournaments and events.
If you are interested and want to grow your career at Rainbow Tech, send your resume to us NOW! WE WANT YOU!


// 優於法規的上班時間//

週休二日,9:30上班, 上班有10分鐘交通緩衝時間; 午休1.5小時(13:00-14:30), 要你吃飽以及睡飽再上班! 只要任務完成,18:30就可以打卡下班!! //法定的勞健保// 到職購買,依照實際薪資級距投保。

//豐富的薪資結構// 基本工資+項目分紅+第十三薪+年終獎金,跟著專案賺錢一起享受分紅!

//獨特的專項獎勵// 根據員工不同貢獻,公司設立專項獎勵,如季度貢獻獎,優秀員工獎,伯樂獎。

//優惠的休假福利// 每月1天全薪病假。

//超狂的無限制調薪// 一年四次機會可申請調薪,每季度一次;主動爭取加薪的機會由自己掌握!

//溫馨的員工福祉// 每年健康檢查、節日禮品、週年獎勵、婚育禮金等,希望夥伴跟公司一同健康成長!

//夢幻的團康福利//: 每月Team Building+每年旅遊津貼! 自由計畫安排不同的Team Building活動,活力團隊就是要Work Hard, Play Hard!

// 卓越的培訓福利// 公司資助培訓課程以及TED培訓分享活動! // 用心的其他福利// 公司內部Game Jam黑客松活動、圖書館 無償為你添購 所有你想看的書, 只要你想得到,我們就買得到!


P Passion
O Organization
K Knowledge
E Eternal
R Respect

We believe all effort and passion contributed to game development deserves recognition and monetary rewards!

We strive to create an open, flexible and respectful atmosphere for all because we know this is essential, especially to game developers who need to contribute intense focus and effort to our projects.

We uphold high standards of game quality and will not accept compromising our standards to meet a deadline.
We offer a working environment where there is no judgment! All team members should feel free and comfortable to share their thoughts and ideas. Our boss is not the only decision-maker!
