- 一般會計帳務(包含雙幣別帳務及零用金)・開立發票及憑證處理
- 稅務相關事宜
- 各項報表編製・與會計師對接
- 傳票作業
- 負責申請政府補助計畫
- 新創公司都是從零開始,可能需要跨部門支援
- 銀行事務
- 規劃分析及控管
- 嚴謹對待神聖的數字,對錯誤過敏,崇尚吹毛求疵
- 不厭其煩地跟數字當好朋友(尤其是0)
Your tasks:
- Bookkeep for company expenses and income
- Issue invoices and follow up on payment schedules
- Fill tax related events
- Prepare monthly/ quarterly financial statements
- Apply for governmental funds and programs
- Complete ad hoc requests and special projects
You need to have:
- At least 2 years’ experience in financial / accounting related fields
- Basic knowledge in handling multi-currency financial reports
- Proficiency in MS Excel, Google docs
- Ability to create any financial statements without ERP system
We want you to be this kind of person:
- You are a go getter
- You are not afraid of challenges
- You speak up for your opinion even if it is controversial. We don't like it when there is a white elephant in the room
- You have a strong sense of humour
- You are very nitpicky about numbers and worship your numbers