【職場新鮮人計畫】 技術行銷工程師 Technical Sales Engineer (限應屆畢業生或正職工作經驗一年以下者申請) - 德州儀器工業股份有限公司|Meet.jobs


1m+ TWD Annually



    八個月職前海內外培訓 [工作地點:台北、新竹、台中或高雄]


    德州儀器(TI)是位居類比晶片世界領導地位的半導體設計與製造公司, 持續提供創新及頂尖的半導體技術與產品,協助客戶開發最先進的電子產品。 除此之外,TI也針對在校學生及初入社會新鮮人設計完整的培訓制度與挑戰性的工作內容, 並提供具競爭力的薪資與福利、完善的升遷管、輪調培訓計畫以及活潑與國際化的工作環境。 

    #TI 技術行銷工程師輪調培訓計畫 

    有思考過RD之外的另一種職涯可能嗎? 喜歡與人互動並充滿挑戰的工作卻又擔心新鮮人無法立即上手嗎? 別擔心!TI針對技術行銷工程師新鮮人提供八個月海內外全面且扎實的系列培訓課程, 透過課堂及工作日常的任務的學習,您將具備技術行銷工程師應具備的各項知識與技能,在客戶面前成為專業與自信的Technical Sales Engineer! 另外,TI亦提供完整的輪調計劃,透過給予新人不同職務內容的學習, 使其能在公司有更多成長及發展的機會。 


    • Define the opportunity at each of your accounts, including understanding the complete list of customer projects, content opportunities, and decision-makers
    •  Understand your numbers, including baseline vs. new project revenue (NPR) at each customer; have your numbers grounded in project plans
    •  Find and kick off all your projects at customers proactively; find projects early 
    • Create action plans to maximize TI content at each account and on each customer project; follow-up once projects are in production with a closed-loop BOM (Bill of Materials) process 
    • Be able to maximize TI revenue through understanding of supply chains, revenue tracking and competitor displacement opportunities 
    • Leverage all the available sales tools, customer intelligence, and resources to properly analyze, prioritize, and disposition activity into opportunities 

    【About the Rotation Program】 

    •Orientation: 2 weeks Your first two weeks at TI are intended to provide you with a basic understanding of TI, our products, the program itself, how to navigate corporate life, and your first taste of sales tools and skills. 

    • Field Sales Office Rotation: 4 months (location in Taiwan) 

    Basic understanding of the TSE role, inclusive of relationship building, sales processes, tools and all things relevant to account growth oUnderstand the different roles in the sales office, what makes these roles successful, and their expectation of a good TSR 

    • Sales Operations 2 months (Shanghai, China) 

    Understand how the sales ops operates, the different roles (customer service, pricing, etc.) in the group and how they interact with sales, customers and distributors oUnderstand how pricing works, what are the different pricing models in place for different customers; how one can prevent gray market sales; the confidentiality on the pricing

    • Product Marketing 2 months (Oversea) 

    Understand the relationship between sales and business unit (BU), including life cycle of the part (how products are developed, how roadmaps are defined), the different roles in BU, the value of marketing, and the proper way to interact and collaborate to win at the customer


    1. 電機、電子相關科系學士以上學歷, 或曾修習電子學及電路學相關課程者
    2. 應屆畢業生或正職工作一年以下工作經驗者

    ▲Personal Traits

    1. Curious: learn from every situation and keep an open mind
    2. Proactive: think ahead and take initiative to anticipate needs
    3. Accountable: be responsible for your actions and results
    4. Align: put energy into the highest priorities and understand expectations
    5. Connect: build and leverage relationships to get results
    6. Make it Happen: persevere to overcome barriers and drive for results

     TI FB粉絲專頁介紹: https://bit.ly/30txITh


