Cloud Backend Developer - 趨勢科技股份有限公司|


800k - 1.5m TWD Annually

  • aws
  • ,
  • azure
  • ,
  • gcp


We’re looking for Cloud Backend Engineer. Backend is the key role at Trend Micro. 

This role is responsible for designing and developing a cloud infrastructure.

[Job Content]

1. Design, develop and deploy cloud backend servers with high performance
and scalability.
2. Research, evaluate and analyze technical and design requirements of back
end solutions, and new technologies for implementation.
3. Create cloud computing platforms and environments using AWS, GCP and Azure.
4. Design and implement security and data protection mechanisms, and integrate them in current backend solutions.


● 你將會遇到各式的開發平台環境,包含AWS、GCP與Azure,隨著平台環境的推陳出新,更要主動研究新環境所推出的服務及應用模式,並透過內部backend專家的分享交流,讓原本後端系統/環境的運作效能因為我們的努力而更進化。


[趨勢科技企業版圖橫跨全球五大洲] 趨勢科技1988年成立於美國加州,總部位於日本東京,於1998年正式在日本東京證交所掛牌上市(股票代碼:4704)。自成立以來,趨勢科技以領導性的先進技術迅速在世界五大洲拓展版圖,目前全球營運據點遍及55個國家,共有7,000位員工。
