Backend Server Developer (Rails) - PicCollage拼貼趣_美商凱德諾藍股份有限公司台灣分公司 |


800k - 1.4m TWD Annually

  • Ruby on Rails


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Work content

•  Build and maintain PicCollage server API
•  Build CMS which delivers In-App Purchases and In-App content
•  Continuously improve code quality by writing tests, refactoring, etc
•  Communicate with peers to design & deliver features
•  Integrate third party APIs to build in-house applications for different type of usages, e.g. analytics, monitoring, etc

In this position, you’ll collaborate closely with designers, product managers, and, of course, other excellent developers. As a member of the f PicCollage community, we are all dedicated to making positive impact at work and life.




•  開發以及維護 拼貼趣 後端 API
•  開發提供拼貼趣軟體中呈現的程式內購及數位內容
•  持續增加測試以及重構來改善程式品質
•  與同仁溝通協調去設計和交付功能
•  整合第三方 API 用以建構公司內部使用的工具,例如 分析工具、伺服器監管




•  You have 1+ years in building web applications
•  You use Ruby on Rails and SQL or are comfortable learning new things
•  You are familiar with Git, common test suites (RSpec, Minitest, etc)
•  You know the basics about network development, e.g. DNS, CDN, SSL, TCP/IP, etc
•  You’ve known as a great communicator and use different ways to improve understanding, e.g. pictures, storytelling, etc
•  You write tests to improve quality of code
•  You are organized and focused toward a goal
•  Knowledge of other languages such as Node.JS/Javascript, Go, Python, Elixir a plus
•  Knowledge and experience with DevOps, server deployment technologies and procedures a plus




•  一年以上網路服務開發經驗
•  使用Ruby on Rails以及 SQL或是樂於學習新的語言和框架
•  熟悉版本控制軟體 Git,常用的測試工具(如RSpec, Minitest等等)
•  瞭解基礎的網路服務開發知識,如DNS, CDN, SSL, TCP/IP 等
•  擅長溝通協調,會使用不同的方式(如畫圖 敘事)幫助溝通更順暢
•  透過撰寫測試來改善程式碼品質
•  專注有組織地向目標前進


▲ 加分項目
•  熟悉其他程式語言,例如如Node.JS/JS, Golang, Python, Elixir
•  瞭解DevOps或服務部署方法和流程


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