Senior Backend Engineer - GoFreight |


2.5m - 4m TWD Annually



    【 團隊介紹 】

    目前團隊正處於快速擴張與衝刺的階段,追求每個月推出新的功能以獲取更多的客戶,大量新功能開發與 refactor 持續激盪進行中。每天與團隊大量溝通產品的行為與作法,目標在最有效的時間內產出客戶愛不釋手的功能,過程中充滿了激情與挑戰,非常適合以下的人格特質:
    - 喜歡團隊合作
    - 創意與創造力
    - 樂於接受挑戰解決問題
    - 清晰的邏輯與溝通能力
    - 喜歡高效處理複雜的任務

    團隊中個個都是擁有豐富經驗和執行實力的好手,所以除了把基本功能實作出來之外,我們也追求 code 的品質、可讀性與架構,實行 Code Review 與 Unit-Test 來確保程式的品質。導入 Agile 開發的流程與精神,確保每周的版本穩定更新,持續精進產品的功能。

    - 專注在建立全球化的 SaaS Service,解決高度複雜的物流系統
    - Daily Scrum,每天例行同步大家目前正在執行事項與所遇到的阻礙,互相協助
    - 開放溝通的工作環境,歡迎任何想法提出來發想討論
    - 團隊成員皆樂於分享與吸收新的知識,不定期舉辦 Lunch Meeting 分享技術交流
    - 嚴謹的 Code Review,可以在 Review 的過程中探討更深的想法與問題
    - Jenkins + Ansible 的 CI /CD 流程 (正在導入K8S)
    - 支持並全額補助團隊成員參加 PyCon 或其他對產品有幫助的 Conference
    - 開放許願池,以補助團隊成員想購買的書籍或其他可以改善工作環境的物品

    【 Key responsibilities 】
    - Technical Expertise: developing fast, secure, modern python based web systems
    - Communication: Work with our team member to implement new feature or fix issue
    - Responsibility: Work with our project managers to plan ahead, set deadlines and deliver on time
    - Write unit / integration tests for backend functions to keep code quality

    【 RD 福利 】
    - 最新的 MacBook Pro 32G Ram,加上兩個27吋大螢幕

    【 其他參考事項 】
    @ Our Open Source Project
    - pyconcrete -
    - dcinja -
    - data-spec-validator -
    - idempotency-key -

    @ Our Team Github
    - Hard Core Technology -

    @ Our Technical share
    - Medium -

    【 Must have 】
    - More than 3 year working experience
    - Familiar with Django or other Web frameworks (Laravel/.Net/Spring/Expressjs, etc.)
    - Familiar with MySQL or other RDBMS
    - Familiar with Web Framework MVC or MTV design
    - Familiar with Git or SVN or other version control
    - Great passion on programming, like to learn new technology and care a lot of coding quality

    【 Must have for Senior 】
    - Solid problem-solving skills with proficient attention to detail
    - Highly self-motivated and know when to seek guidance
    - Experience on project lead, schedule, refine and break down detail task

    【 Nice to have 】
    - Experience working with Python development
    - Experience working with RESTful API development
    - Experience working with Unit-Test
    - Experience working with open source development
    - Attach github or other personal portfolio

    【 Nice to have for Senior 】
    - Experience working with rolling upgrade
    - Experience working with HA system design
    - Experience working with backward compatiable design
    - Experience working with micro-service
    - Management experience

    【 Technology that we use 】
    - Python 3
    - Django 3 + Jinja + REST framework
    - Celery
    - Docker
    - AWS


    美國物流科技新創 (LogTech Startup),以現代SaaS服務顛覆傳統國際物流產業,客戶平均每年營收成長48%
