【TPD0302】Senior Product Manager - Shopline 商線科技有限公司|Meet.jobs


1m - 2m TWD Annually

  • product management
  • ,
  • product manager


SHOPLINE 全球智慧開店平台,是提供品牌一舉創建、管理線上與線下商店的一站式智慧開店服務。

以品牌電商架站平台為核心,整合網站設計、商品管理、金物流服務以及行銷導流工具,為賣家提供簡單、好上手的架站服務,是亞洲最大的網路開店平台,此外,SHOPLINE 也提供跨境、O2O 虛實整合、POS 系統等全通路解決方案。自 2013 年創辦以來,全球已經有超過 350,000 個品牌使用 SHOPLINE 的服務成功開店,讓 SHOPLINE 成為在亞洲市場的行業領軍者。

SHOPLINE 創新的服務與國際化的團隊專注為品牌賣家打造最好的產品,於 2014 年獲選加入矽谷著名初創育成機構 500startups 孵育計畫,是香港多年來第二間加入的團隊,更在 2016 年選入阿里巴巴集團的香港創業基金首批三家名單,並在 2019 年初,獲得了最新一輪的資金挹注。

歡迎對 startup 有熱誠的人才加入我們的頂尖團隊!

【What you’ll be doing】

- Drive innovation in product development with a team of world-class engineers and designers

- Research to understand our users’ needs, and translate them into solutions.

- Write clear and concise requirements to communicate features to the entire team.

- Work closely with the customer success, engineering and design teams to prioritise and ensure features and tasks are developed as expected

- Become a product expert, understanding the competitive landscape, the evolving market needs, and how those things relate to the company’s mission and vision.

- Define and analyse metrics that ensure the success of our products

【Who we are looking for?】
- Live and breathe e-commerce and technology and be excited about the opportunity to drive the development of a platform that used by 60k+ merchants.

- Has E-commerce product management experiences.
- Good at cooperating with Ads third Party such as Facebook, Line, Google
- University graduate with at least 5 years of working experience.

- Has leadership experience will be a plus.

- Excellent communication skills in English & Mandarin on all medium: Spoken, Written, Presentations, Documents.

- Structured thinking and good technical writing skills.

- Flexible, cross-functional and have an open mindset.

- Creative, self-motivated and consistently willing to exceed own expectations.

- High attention to detail and great organization and coordination skills.

- Taking ownership tasks and shouldering responsibilities.

- Ability to multitask. You can handle several different tasks at different stages at once and are able to prioritize by importance.

- Curious and interested in technology and new products.

- Good instincts for product development and how the products you use day-to-day could be improved.


1. 彈性的工時安排 / Flexible working hour
2. 彈性工作地點 / Flexible working location
3. 第一年即享有15天年假 / First year 15 days of annual leave
4. 生日假1天,生日當月任選一天使用 / Birthday leave
5. 給全薪病假 12天 / Full pay sick leave
6. 給全薪家庭照顧假 7天 / Paid family care leave
7. 全薪產假90天 / Maternity leave 90 days
8. 陪產假10天 / Paternity leave 10 days
9. 公司彈性福利補助每年新台幣2萬元(旅遊, 家庭照顧, 運動, 按摩等等) / Company sponsored SHOPLINEFlex
10. 每季部門聚餐補助新台幣1千元 / Company sponsored quarterly team dinner
11. 每月新台幣2百元零食津貼補助 / Snacks Coin NTD 200 per month
12. 每月生日會, 不定時早餐下午茶, 節慶活動豐富 / Festival Events, Birthday Celebration
13. 每個月約一至兩次按摩服務 / Massage
14. 公司另有企業內訓服務 / Training and Development
15. 年終獎金制度 / Annual Bonus
16. 扁平的公司組織架構 / Flat team structure
17. 優質薪資待遇 / Competitive salary package
18. 有機會驅動產品導向,只要你有好的想法! / Ability to drive product direction

Shopline 商線科技有限公司

SHOPLINE - 全球智慧開店平台,致力於協助品牌一舉創建、管理線上與線下商店的一站式智慧開店服務
