Senior Sales Engineer - ThoughtSpot|


15.22m - 28.27m JPY Annually




    What is the job:

    • This tech lead resource to work hand-in-hand with a country manager to relaunch and grow Japan business and potentially be a tech team leader in Japan to lead and manage the team and will be a key contributor to the growth of ThoughtSpot's presence and customer base in the Japan market.
    • The candidate will do everything to achieve technical wins throughout the sales process and will guide and help partners achieve similar technical wins.
    • The candidate will also act as a technical team leader for the Japan team, serving as a role model for other members of the Japan team, and coaching and mentoring them to contribute to new customer acquisition as well as expansion of existing customers.
    • The ideal candidates are expected to have strong thought leadership and the ability to creatively devise, implement and constantly improve programs and menus that will have a positive impact on customers, partners and team members.

    What you'll do:

    • Pre-sales technical activities throughout the entire sales process
    • Lead POC
    • Support and lead partner engineer education program and coaching
    • Answer technical questions from customers and partners
    • Provide feedback to headquarters development on technical requirements from Japanese customers and the market
    • Draft technical documents necessary for Japan market and either create them yourself or lead the creation by external and headquarters members
    • Create Japanese demo scenarios and demo data, or provide guidance on their creation to the members
    • Catch up on the latest product information and use cases through interactions with headquarters engineers, and clearly appeal to Japanese team members, partners, and customers
    • Learn the product roadmaps and communicate them to the Japanese market in a timely manner

    What you bring:

    • Solution consulting skills for expanding the Japanese market
    • ​​An innovative, customer-oriented, goal-achieving mindset to contribute as an engineer to the greatest extent possible to achieve 1 million ThoughtSpot users in Japan by 2026
    • Customer lead skills as an engineer to aim for a 100% POC success rate
    • The role of a Trusted Advisor to win the trust of customers through timely, customer-oriented Q&A and customer support
    • The creativity and spirit to always try new ways to solve problems, and to hate giving up with a one-off response
    • A sincere and humble attitude to work that will be a role model for team members, and a drive to pursue results

