We're looking for:
- Experienced developers in building native Android and IOS applications using React-Native framework
- Understanding the entire app data cycle (from client to server APIs)
- Passion and drive in delivering the best UI/UX to end users
- Good understanding of object-oriented design principles and design patterns
- Experienced in TDD, BDD and A/B testing (optional)
1) 一年以上 React Native 開發經驗 (iOS/Android App)
2) 熟悉物件導向架構
3) 熟悉 XCode 開發環境及 iOS & Android APP 上版流程
4) 熟悉基本 HTTP 架構進行第三方 API 串接
5) 良好的技術相關英語能力
6) 態度積極,認真負責,良好的溝通及問題解決能力
7) 具電子商務概念者優先考慮
8) 不排斥學習及工作於其他領域 如: Flutter, VIPER
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