國際獵才顧問(兼職) - Meet.Jobs|Meet.jobs


50k - 200k TWD Monthly

  • headhunter
  • ,
  • recruitment


Meet.jobs 的獵才特色

  • 全球市場連結:連結美國、新加坡、日本、杜拜等國際市場。
  • A.I. 技術支持:利用 A.I. 搜尋全球公開履歷,解決人才搜尋難題。
  • 彈性工作模式:最高原則為「運用最有效率的時間工作」,可接受全遠端工作。


  • 商務開發:針對現有與潛在的海外企業/雇主客戶,進行分析、優先級確認、電訪或親訪與簽約。
  • 客戶管理:釐清需求、跟進應徵與錄取情況、協助付款及維持客戶關係。
  • 人才招募:負責篩選、推薦符合客戶需求的人才,協助安排面試與薪資談判。
  • 人脈發展:建立並維護相關產業的人脈網絡,促進人才推薦與招募。
  • 工作時間:每週最低工時為 24 小時,並要有 4 個工作日可供聯絡。(可以是 2 整天 2 半天、1 整天 4 半天、4 天每天 6 小時,或者其他形式)

Key Job Features

  • Global Market Connections: Engage with international markets, including the U.S., Singapore, Japan, Dubai, and more.
  • A.I. Technology Support: Utilize A.I. to search global public resumes, solving talent search challenges.
  • Flexible Work Mode: The core principle is to "work during your most productive hours," with the option for fully remote work.

Job Content

  • Business Development: Conduct analysis, prioritize, make cold calls or in-person visits, and negotiate contracts with existing and potential overseas corporate/employer clients.
  • Client Management: Clarify client needs, follow up on candidate applications and hiring status, assist with payment processes, and maintain client relationships.
  • Talent Recruitment: Responsible for screening and recommending candidates that meet client requirements, and assist in coordinating interviews and salary negotiations.
  • Networking Development: Establish and maintain networks within relevant industries to facilitate talent recommendations and recruitment.
  • Working Hours: Minimum of 24 hours per week, with availability across 4 days. This can be arranged as 2 full days and 2 half days, 1 full day and 4 half days, 4 days with 6 hours each, or other flexible formats.



  • 跨文化經驗,不限於工作(如交換、留學、Working Holiday,甚至跨國戀情等)
  • 業務經驗,涵蓋且不限於 2B/2C 業務工作、公關贊助、募資等。
  • 確定自己要成為獵才顧問。
  • 出色的人際溝通和時間管理能力。
  • 能在高壓和快速變化的環境中工作,並擁有學習不同領域和產業知識的熱情。
  • 認同 Meet.jobs 的理念與價值


  • 具備團隊管理或 IT 相關經驗。
  • 獵才相關工作經驗。
  • 人力資源,特別是招募的相關工作經驗。
  • 曾透過 Meet.jobs 平台成功推薦工作或錄取國內外工作機會。
  • 三種以上(含)不同文化經驗或背景。
  • 能流利使用中文、英文以外的其他外語。
  • 熟悉至少一國的勞動相關法規。 


Must have

  • Cross-cultural experiences, such as work experience, exchange programs, studying abroad, working holidays, or cross-border relationships.
  • Sales experience, including but not limited to B2B/B2C sales, client acquisition, public relations sponsorships, and fundraising.
  • Clear determination to become a recruitment consultant.
  • Excellent interpersonal communication and time management skills, with the ability to adapt to fast-changing and highly challenging environments.
  • Alignment with Meet.jobs' mission and values.

Nice  to have

  • Experience in team management or IT-related fields.
  • Experience in headhunting-related work.
  • Experience in human resources, particularly in recruitment.
  • Successful track record of recommending jobs or securing employment opportunities, both domestically and internationally, through the Meet.jobs platform.
  • Experience or background in at least three different cultures.
  • Fluency in a foreign language other than Chinese and English.
  • Familiarity with labor laws and regulations in at least one country.


  • 月收入 50,000 元是以最低工作時數並達成最低業績目標計算的。一般來說不太可能會低於這個數字(彼此都會很困擾吧),而是會超過很多才對。
  • 月收入 200,000 元是以每月協助 Meet.jobs 簽訂新企業客戶並錄取人選來概算,並不是不能超過的數字喔!

Compensation Details:

  • The base monthly income of 50,000 TWD is calculated based on meeting the minimum working hours and performance targets. In most cases, it's unlikely to fall below this amount (which wouldn’t be ideal for either party) and is expected to significantly exceed it.
  • A potential monthly income of 200,000 TWD is an estimate based on successfully securing new corporate clients for Meet.jobs and placing candidates. This figure is not a cap—there’s plenty of room to exceed this amount!


Maximize Everyone's Value in the World!


獵才社群經理 Hunter Community Manager


50k - 80k TWD Monthly

  • 推薦感謝金
  • Account Management

國際獵才顧問(外部)Exernal Headhunter


3k+ USD Monthly

  • 推薦感謝金
  • Referral
  • ,
  • community
  • ,
  • sharing
  • ,
  • contractor



1.2m - 3m TWD Annually

  • 推薦感謝金
  • Account Management
  • ,
  • Business Development
  • ,
  • english
  • ,
  • mandarin